Sunday 13 April 2008

Rear Window

I just happened to call into HMV this afternoon, to see what they had in a the sale, when I stumbled across this masterpiece of a film for just £3!!!

I first saw it about 20 years ago and remember being spellbound by it's tense, edge of your seat plot line.


Professional photographer L.B. "Jeff" Jeffries (Jimmy Stewart) breaks his leg while getting an action shot at an auto race. Confined to his New York apartment, he spends his time looking out of the rear window observing the neighbours. He begins to suspect that the man opposite may have murdered his wife. Jeff enlists the help of his society model girlfriend Lisa Freemont (Grace Kelly) and his nurse Stella (Thelma Ritter) to help him investigate.


Even though this film is over 50 years old, it is as tense as any good suspense thriller of today. In fact this film had me gripped throughout, just as it did when I first saw it 20 years ago. Hitchcock was nothing short of a genius and this has to be one of his finest films. If only films like this existed today. Some have come close, such as Disturbia, but Rear Window is one film that stands out head and shoulders above the rest and has undeniably stood the test of time.

If you haven't see this film already, check it out. It will be the best £3 you'll spend in a long time.

See the trailer here PRESS

Star Rating * * * * *

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you on Rear Window, another Hitchcock masterpiece, also made in the 1950s and with James Stewart is Vertigo, the cinema photography, colour and location scenes are wonderful.