Sunday 18 May 2008



A newlywed couple Ben and Jane move to Japan for a promising job opportunity - a fashion shoot in Tokyo. During their trip on a dark forest road they experience a tragic car accident, leading to the death of a young local girl. Upon regaining consciousness, they find no trace of her body. A bit distraught the couple arrives in Tokyo to begin their new life. Meanwhile Ben begins noticing strange white blurs in many of his fashion shoot photographs. Jane believes that the blurs are actually spirit photography of the dead girl who they hit on the road, and that she may be seeking vengeance.

This, the latest offering from the producers of The Grudge and The Ring is yet another scary Asian movie remake involving a black-haired woman crawling around in a nightie making sounds like a hungry tummy.

This time it's not a video player but a camera that turns evil as US fashion photographer Ben (Joshua Jackson) and his sexy new wife (Rachael Taylor) arrive in Tokyo and find themselves pursued by a vengeful spirit intent on messing up their photos by appearing in them looking sulky.


I must admit I do like these Japanese horror remake films, although this one did lack that eerie edge of your seat suspense that was certain present in The Grudge. A lot of the scenes were predictable as we have seen hem all before, but despite this it was enjoyable to watch on the whole and the acting from Joshua Jackson and Rachael Taylor was great. Definitely worth checking this film out, if like me you like this type of film.

See the trailer click HERE

Star Rating * * *

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